一部以马里奥·米利(Mario Mieli)的生活为原型的戏剧电影,国内马里奥·米利是20世纪70年代意大利同性恋运动的领军人物。
一部以马里奥·米利(Mario Mieli)的生活为原型的戏剧电影,国内马里奥·米利是20世纪70年代意大利同性恋运动的领军人物。
回复 :Two criminals attempt to rob a local pawn shop. When their planned robbery goes awry and a gang of criminals find themselves injured with a resilient young female hostage in tow, they take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down. But what they discover there is far more menacing. The Price We Pay is the latest slasher-action thriller from a Japanese director, Kitamura Ryuhei. Of the film Kitamura has remarked, “It is a film of two hands. On the one hand it is a gripping action/thriller, but on the other hand it is an intense, terrifying experience immediately grabbing the audience and sending them on a wild ride.” As he indicates, The Price We Pay is a perfect film for the midnight audience who are thirst for bloody horror.
回复 :本片由真实事件改编而成,故事发生在1970年代初的斯坦福大学,一群大学生进行了一场关于人类行为的研究试验。他们分成两伙人,一伙人扮演监狱狱警,另外一些人则扮演囚犯,在24小时内开始模拟监狱里的日常生活。结果证明,扮演狱警的人在模拟监狱的情境中,开始变得有暴力倾向,而扮演囚犯的人则预谋造反。试验不久就被叫停,但其研究结果许多年来一直为人们所关注,引起了广泛的争议。
回复 :民国上海,帅气怪兽猎人宇文凭着猎人一族特有的本领预感到了上豪大饭店有怪兽现身。怪兽袭击了花旦顾青,宇文从天而降英雄救美,打断富少警探天明的公开表白。三人卷入连环灵异案件。酒会贵客连遭毒手,顾青身陷绑架危机,三人小队相爱相杀,啼笑破案,所有线索都指向尘封千年的传说——巨兽重现人间,背后神秘操控者浮出水面⋯⋯