回复 :Danny Says is a documentary on the life and times of Danny Fields. Since 1966, Danny Fields has played a pivotal role in music and "culture" of the late 20th century: working for the Doors, Cream, Lou Reed, Nico, Judy Collins and managing groundbreaking artists like the Stooges, the MC5 and the Ramones. Danny Says follows Fields from Phi Beta Kappa whiz-kid, to Harvard Law dropout, to the Warhol Silver Factory, to Director of Publicity at Elektra Records, to "punk pioneer" and beyond. Danny's taste and opinion, once deemed defiant and radical, has turned out to have been prescient. Danny Says is a story of marginal turning mainstream, avant garde turning prophetic, as Fields looks to the next generation.
回复 :“如果生命不可逆,我愿用最后的勇气去换得对你所有的记忆”,影片讲述了郑先生患有阿兹海默症,为了缓解自己对去世太太的逐渐遗忘,郑先生决定在所有记忆消逝前重新踏上年轻时最怀念的那一段环岛之旅。途中郑先生遇到了一名年轻女孩,相似的心情和交集的旅程让两人在机缘巧合下开始结伴同行……
回复 :1889年,希特勒出生于奥地利布劳瑙镇一个公务员家庭。青年时期处于第一次世界大战的阿道夫·希特勒,在动荡不安的乱世中,他的出现与崛起是希望的开端、还是灾难的开始?这个看似平凡的小男孩,长大后却指挥了德国军队大规模入侵各国,掀起了惨烈的第二次世界大战。