回复 :白赖仁(李子雄 饰)野心勃勃,一心想控制人类,差仁者领袖虎大介杀死了菊池博士,抢走了万能的“赤盒”,伹他却打不开。得知音乐家高比(黄子华 饰)能打开盒子,他遂派人将其生擒。与此同时,菊池的学生女忍者香也在追杀高比,而令一面,芭蕉先生派爱徒小灵(黄圣依 饰)则暗中保护高比。三路人马狭路相逢,展开龙争虎斗,最终小灵杀出重围。芭蕉夜入白府盗赤盒不成,反被虎大介取走性命,并连累村民惨遭屠杀,于心不忍的高比以自刎相威胁,总算中止了白赖仁的屠夫行径。高比以乐曲为钥匙打开了赤盒,白赖仁惊喜万分,以为掌握了控制人类的秘笈。但小灵、女忍者香能就此罢手吗......
回复 :“杀人狂丽兹·波顿”故事将再现银幕,克里斯汀·斯图尔特、科洛·塞维尼有望加盟。1892年,波顿涉嫌杀害父亲与继母,却因柔弱形象与缺乏证据获无罪释放,引发争议。
回复 :A US politician (Sam Waterston) visits his poet friend (John Heard) in Mont. St. Michael, France. While walking through the medieval island discussing their philosophies of life they happen upon Sonja (Liv Ullman), a scientist in recluse, who joins in their conversation. The two men listen to the ideas of this brilliant woman and discuss how her ideas can work in their own politician and poet lives.