恶魔Plot unknown. The third installment of the Dhamaal film series.
恶魔Plot unknown. The third installment of the Dhamaal film series.
回复 :An indigenous leader resists the environmental ruin of Amazonian lands by big business. As he is forced into exile and faces 20 years in prison, his quest reveals conflicting visions that shape the fate of the Amazon and the climate future of our world. World Premiere
回复 :影片根据达莉亚·索法的同名小说改编,讲述在一犹太人家庭在伊朗革命期间的真实遭遇。片段中,萨尔玛·海耶克饰演凡纳斯正在向警官穆赫辛( 阿隆·阿布布尔饰)打听丈夫艾萨克(艾德里安·布罗迪饰)的下落。
回复 :生活在老人之家的男孩,和三位瘋狂長輩聯手偵辦珠寶竊盜事件,破案過程緊湊刺激,收穫珍貴的忘年之交。