In May 1977 Janet Guthrie becomes the first woman to attempt the Indianapolis 500.
In May 1977 Janet Guthrie becomes the first woman to attempt the Indianapolis 500.
回复 :Masht Hassan在一个遥远和荒凉的村庄里拥有唯一的母牛。他把母牛当作他自己的孩子。当他离开出去远方做事时,他的母牛死了。知道Masht Hassan和他的母牛之间的关系,那些村民急速处理尸体,并当在Masht Hassan回来时,他们告诉他他的母牛逃走了。Masht Hassan疯了,他开始在谷仓里度过他的全部时间,吃干草,并且慢慢地觉得自己就是母牛。此片是伊朗的第一代导演达瑞什·麦赫瑞作品,是伊朗新浪潮的开山之作。
回复 :A man named Salem escapes from an insane asylum where he was confined for an axe-murder. Falsely convicted under a plea of "guilty due to insanity", he does not plan to let his sister and her husband forget that they were responsible for the murder of a farmhand and for his cruel imprisonment in the asylum.
回复 :电影《黄花梁上的灰猴们》讲述了一个荒诞离奇的犯罪型喜剧故事。影片通过一件“古陶坛子”为 引子,从而引出了一系列形形色色的人物:大智若愚的小饭店老板、见利忘义的无良商人、深明大义的老者、利欲熏心的小人、善良淳朴的朴实女孩、拜金风骚的妙龄女郎。种种风格迥异的角色加之各种棘手的麻烦事件,与“古陶坛子”这个主线巧妙结合在一起。张璞导演选择多角度的叙述手法,让故事情节环环相扣,先将悬疑抛出,再把线索一点一点如抽丝剥茧般呈现给观众,耐人寻味。