宅男Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from Auckland who dreams of being a professional hip-hop dancer.
宅男Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from Auckland who dreams of being a professional hip-hop dancer.
回复 :Zhang a middle aged man struggling with a dead end job as an insurance sales person, on the verge of divorce with his wife, losing custody of her daughter and on top of all this he had to take care of his father who's suffering Alzheimer's. Unknowingly Zhang was invited to join an underground fighting game for financial purposes but eventually Zhang becomes hooked on the fights and turns professional.
回复 :十年前,首尔城区有个小女孩惨遭杀害,负责此案的泰成始终找不到任何关于凶手的线索,最后此案悬挂未决。十年后,又一女高中生被绑架,再次负责到此案件的泰成,直觉嫌疑犯,或许跟十年前他决心要逮捕的凶手,有什么连结......
回复 :1942年,一架执行完轰炸日本东京任务的美军B—25轰炸机因燃油不足,迫降在被日军占领的冀东山海关石砣镇附近。三名美军飞行员大卫、理查和梅森跳伞逃生,降落在三个不同的地方。于是,围绕营救三名美军飞行员,冀东人民、八路军、国民党情报人员一起与日本特务队、汉奸展开了殊死较量。片中,日军特务队设下陷阱,汉奸维持会会长步步紧逼,百姓无法分辨敌友,美军飞行员伤情严重,八路军侦察员深入虎穴与敌人巧妙周旋。最终,八路军侦察连连长杨彪和国民党冀东情报人员余馨兰等人在八路军冀东独立团的配合下,巧取日军机场,三名美军飞行员驾驶日军运输机飞越山海关,飞往重庆。