回复 :Whether the Weather is Fine, director: Carlo Francisco Matanad (The Philippines). Production: Cinematografica Films (The Philippines), Armi Rae Cacanindin. Feature film. Funding: 30,000 €
回复 :A former aristocratic family faces financial hardship and their daughter is introduced to a nice man in the auto repair business, the hope being that a marriage might be of economic assistance to the family. The daughter's family finds it hard to accept this kind of idea and the young man is uncomfortable with the difference in their social standing. However, everything works out in the end and a happy marriage takes place.
回复 :孟波(周文健 饰)曾经是飞虎队中的一员,精明强干的他身手矫健,然而,一场意外让他丢掉了工作,流落街头。阿雪的父亲是黑帮老大,一直不满父亲的“职业”,叛逆的阿雪决定离家出走,阿雪的父亲委托孟波暗中保护阿雪,面对老大的女儿,孟波不敢有任何非分之想。阿雪一直想让父亲金盆洗手,为此不惜想出种种计划,闹了不少的笑话,与此同时,帮派中,二叔一直觊觎阿雪父亲的位置,想要除掉阿雪的父亲,成为老大。他先是重金聘请了职业杀手暗杀阿雪父亲,被孟波阻止后又伙同飞虎队队长及一干队员绑架了阿雪和其父亲。面对来势汹汹的敌人,孟波所剩的时间不多了。