回复 :Yanto ask his friends to help him save his girlfriend that been kidnapped by a group of professional mobster.
回复 :女演员佩帕(卡门·莫拉 Carmen Maura 饰)得知自己怀有身孕,但是她的喜悦并未持续多久,因为她的情人伊万(Fernando Guillén 饰)突然失踪。佩帕想尽办法联系伊万,但最终一无所获,这令她歇斯底里,痛苦难耐。而就在这时,伊万的老婆露西娅(Juliet a Serrano 饰)又找上门来大找麻烦。不久,佩帕的好友坎德拉(María Barranco 饰)也因惧怕警察拘捕而寻求避难。一群精神濒临崩溃的女人凑在一起,上演令人唏嘘的悲喜剧……本片入围1988年威尼斯电影节主竞赛单元,最终获得最佳剧本奖;1988年欧洲电影节最佳青年作品和最佳女演员奖;1988年纽约影评人协会最佳外语片奖;1989年歌雅奖最佳女主角(Carmen Maura)、最佳剪辑、最佳剧本和最佳女配角奖(María Barranco)。
回复 :Based on a true story of the American Civil War, culminating at the Battle of New Market, May 1864. A group of teenage cadets sheltered from war at the Virginia Military Institute must confront the horrors of an adult world when they are called upon to defend the Shenandoah Valley. Leaving behind their youth, these cadets must decide what they are fighting for.