春暖A group of girls get lost on a random dirt road. The tow truck driver toes them to his junkyard. Everything seems normal until they wake up with weapons for limbs, and thrown into the fight of their lives.
春暖A group of girls get lost on a random dirt road. The tow truck driver toes them to his junkyard. Everything seems normal until they wake up with weapons for limbs, and thrown into the fight of their lives.
回复 :天生具有变身能力的百变马丁和他的朋友郭莫、罗娜被邀请来到深山之中美丽神秘的松隐镇,谁知这里却正在经历着一场危机——被囚禁两百多年的怪兽逃了出来,正疯狂侵袭小镇......马丁每天变成的新角色惹来一大堆麻烦和奇遇,就在马丁三人组误打误撞之中,一个惊天大秘密逐渐浮出水面......故事惊险、悬疑、奇幻、温暖,在历险过程中,曾为自己变身而苦恼的马丁领悟到:享受不完美,开心做自己。
回复 :明天春节了,大排档年夜饭打烊后阿旭飞奔到高铁站,搭上最后一班车回乡过年。偶遇 10 年前春运一起回乡的若飞,两人感慨亲身体会十年春运巨变,聊起当年的南方冰雨困在回乡路上发生的故事。 被突如其来冰雪困在路上发生各种各样矛盾展开故事剧情,以真实事件下的小人物如何自救,苦中作乐,展现了真情、爱情、友情...
回复 :两个大相径庭的家庭,出于种种原因被迫一同野营,两个爸爸一边勉力维持家人间的团结,一边谋划争夺诱人的最终奖项。