费香A team of spelunkers, when investigating a system of caves beneath a small town, come across a hideous creature that can move through walls.
费香A team of spelunkers, when investigating a system of caves beneath a small town, come across a hideous creature that can move through walls.
回复 :麦克进入居住了大批僵尸的坟场中,他遭到了来自四面八方僵尸的攻击。四周一片漆黑,恐惧和惊慌吞噬着他的心。为了生存,他只有拼命地漫无目的四处奔跑。然而,僵尸和恶魔在他气息的指引下紧紧地追赶着他,不知他能否逃出生机……
回复 :影片根据真实事件改编,也受到约翰·奥斯邦小说的影响,描写在一战前夕,一名奥地利军人不择手段向上爬、最后自我毁灭的历程。雷德尔上校家境贫寒,又是犹太人和同性恋,他需要把这些全部伪装起来,才能在奥匈帝国的军队里步步高升。但他再怎么压抑真实的自我,有人还是把他当成贸然闯进他人世界的局外人。
回复 :An immensely powerful and nuanced portrayal of a family torn apart over a little Muslim boy's future.