回复 :Young Cuban Rafael just buried his mother, and comes to Houston to meet his father John for the first time. The difficult part is that John doesn't know he is Rafael's father. John runs a dance studio, and everyone prepares for the World Open Dance championship in Las Vegas. It soon becomes clear Rafael is a very good dancer, and Ruby (Vanessa Williams) is the biggest hope for the studio at the championship.
回复 :在阿富汗與伊拉克的戰爭現場,口譯員是當地人與外國軍隊之間重要的溝通橋樑,但也因此被國內的極端組織視為叛徒。
回复 :当铺大乱斗讲述的是一枚丢失的结婚鑽戒,将几个猎捕野雁的人们和吸毒者、光头党还有模彷猫王的艺人卷在了一起。