日韩A look at the life of the legendary Rhythm and Blues musician, James Brown, from his early years in South Carolina to his efforts during the Civil Rights movement.
日韩A look at the life of the legendary Rhythm and Blues musician, James Brown, from his early years in South Carolina to his efforts during the Civil Rights movement.
回复 :Determined to gatecrash her ex-lover's funeral on glamorous French hideaway Ile-de-Re, former Hollywood siren Helen (Joan Collins) escapes her London retirement home with the help of Priscilla (Pauline Collins), a repressed English housewife stuck in a bad marriage. Pooling their limited resources, they hit the road together by coach, ferry, car and foot in a race to get to the funeral on time, becoming entangled in a love triangle with a reclusive French millionaire (Franco Nero) along the way. On this unforgettable journey, they find true friendship in one another - and have the time of their lives.
回复 :希什(威尔•史密斯 Will Smith 饰)十分准确的把握了男性的弱点:他们在求爱的时候由于过分迫切想得到对方好感,反而会表现笨拙失去魅力。而希什掌握了一套完整的独家的理论,可以帮助男士在头三次约会时候就成功俘获对方的心,这套谋略全面实用,令约会期间的就餐、牵手、接吻,有了指导细则。这次希什的客户是胖男人阿伯特(凯文•詹姆斯 Kevin James饰)。他生性温顺,却爱上了当红女明星。于是对阿伯特的一番彻底改造在所难免。更重要的是,他竟然在工作中爱上了女明星的跟班记者莎拉(伊娃•门德斯 Eva Mendes饰)。这个自己感情一直空缺的约会指南者,开始尝到爱的气息。但是,好像现实中的爱跟他平时设计的并不一样。屡试不爽的爱情法则,在他身上反而失了灵。也许,他的爱情学问还远远不够精通。
回复 :YouTube博主西奥公主与一位特殊粉丝的故事。西奥公主本名萨曼莎·蒙哥马利(Samantha Montgomery),38岁的她独自一人居住在新奥尔良最底层的街区之一。白天她的工作是陪护老人;到了晚上她就化身西奥公主,在观众稀少的开麦之夜引吭高歌,并将自己的原创自制无伴奏清唱片段发布在YouTube上,可通常只拥有少数几个观众。她的粉丝之一,是一位生活在特拉维夫郊外基布兹的以色列音乐家。他整理了世界各地的YouTube视频来创作新的音乐作品。时运不济的西奥公主并不知道自己已经被这个来自地球另一端的人选中,并将被展示给数百万观众。