国产A burned-out cop from the midwest, Colton Riggs, finds his boring, Maltese lifestyle turned upside down when he suddenly finds himself catapulted into a web of high-stakes international espionage.
国产A burned-out cop from the midwest, Colton Riggs, finds his boring, Maltese lifestyle turned upside down when he suddenly finds himself catapulted into a web of high-stakes international espionage.
回复 :本片是由11个黑白短片综合而成的短篇集,每个短片都围绕咖啡与香烟展开。一。罗伯托·贝尼尼(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰)坐在一家咖啡馆喝着咖啡,史蒂夫·赖特(史蒂夫·赖特 Steven Wright 饰)过来与他攀谈,然而两人似乎没有什么共同语言 ,只在重复表达对咖啡与香烟的热爱……二。一家咖啡厅里坐着一对黑人双胞胎兄妹,咖啡厅服务员突然对他们很感兴趣,即坐下与之热情交谈,然而兄妹俩似乎对这个不知所云的人毫无兴趣,只在继续抽烟喝咖啡……三。加利福尼亚某处的一家咖啡馆,流行歌手伊基·波普(伊基·波普 Iggy Pop 饰)与汤姆·威兹(汤姆·威兹 Tom Waits 饰)正在以抽烟的方式庆祝他们戒烟成功。该短片曾获1993年戛纳电影节短片单元金棕榈奖。……十一。这天夜里,喝着速溶咖啡、抽着卷烟的两个老人William Rice(William Rice 饰)与Taylor Mead(Taylor Mead 饰)谈论起过去的音乐。在这个有些忧伤的话题进行到一半时,Taylor像孩子般熟睡过去了……
回复 :Anna is becoming lost in the loneliness of her own world when she discovers she can visit another, a house she has drawn herself and occupied by a young disabled boy. But as she discovers more of the links between her fantasy world and the mundane present, she is drawn only deeper into a dream...
回复 :熱戀中的年輕女子瑞卡在一夜之間命運丕變,迅速捲入暴力漩渦,繼而展開復仇任務。