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回复 :Three-Part Musical Event featuring Billie Eilish, H.E.R., and Kid Cudi.H.E.R.S1, Ep1A modern day tribute to the iconic Dunbar Hotel, once a hub of Los Angeles Black culture in the 1930's and 40's. H.E.R. imagines what the setting would be like if it existed in 2021, featuring new music from her album, "Back of My Mind."Kid CudiS1, Ep2An "intercosmic" performance that depicts the artist leaving Earth for the moon to establish a new community. www.2kyb.com Featuring music from his album "Man on the Moon III," Kid Cudi collaborates with the International Space Orchestra, composed of scientists from NASA Ames Research Center, the SETI Institute, and the International Space University as his backing band.Billie EilishS1, Ep3Set in a Parisian neighborhood with a series of cinematic performances, featuring new music from Billie Eilish's upcoming album, "Happier Than Ever."
回复 :原计划前往富良野的青年编剧竹山纯(冈田将生 饰),他所乘坐的巴士不巧因为暴雪而被困在半路上。万般无奈之下,他下了车找地方投宿,几经辗转来到了一间小酒馆,然后莫名其妙和正举行联欢派对的陌生人们一夜狂欢。次日一早,喝到断片的纯在某间山中小屋醒来,随之见到了在居酒屋有过一面之缘的松井英夫(铃木浩介 饰)和梅本聪一(远藤宪一 饰)两个怪人。松井酷爱画画,而梅本则有过三次失败的婚姻,后者也一度将纯错认为自己的儿子。失去随身行李和电话的纯无法与外界取得联系,加上大雪封山,他被迫和这两位怪大叔以及当地性格各异的人们共同度过了一段诡异而有趣的时光……©豆瓣