车房修理工阿火(成龙 饰)脾气火爆,春暖他不仅身手敏捷,春暖而且开车技术一流,只因家中贫穷才一直没有实现当赛车手梦想。这天,警方找到他希望他能帮忙逮捕偷车集团的首脑库克。因为库克开车技术一流,警方多次设路障追截都一无所获。阿火欣然答应。在阿火的帮助下,警方费了九牛二虎之力终于捉到了库克。但是库克在拘留期间,被集团同伙救走了。偷车集团还袭击了阿火的车房,阿火侥幸逃过一劫,两个妹妹却深受重伤。随后库克加入了日本某车队,并约阿火在日本赛道上一决高下。为了报仇,阿火毅然参赛!
车房修理工阿火(成龙 饰)脾气火爆,春暖他不仅身手敏捷,春暖而且开车技术一流,只因家中贫穷才一直没有实现当赛车手梦想。这天,警方找到他希望他能帮忙逮捕偷车集团的首脑库克。因为库克开车技术一流,警方多次设路障追截都一无所获。阿火欣然答应。在阿火的帮助下,警方费了九牛二虎之力终于捉到了库克。但是库克在拘留期间,被集团同伙救走了。偷车集团还袭击了阿火的车房,阿火侥幸逃过一劫,两个妹妹却深受重伤。随后库克加入了日本某车队,并约阿火在日本赛道上一决高下。为了报仇,阿火毅然参赛!
回复 :This French family film is filled with action, animals, adventure, and suspense. The story is told from a child's viewpoint. One day, while playing in his secret tree house in the forest, 11-year old Antoine spies upon bank robbers stashing 40-million francs worth of loot. One of the robbers is the father of his newest best friend Lisa, a 10-year old Canadian visitor. Not wanting to rat on her father, Antoine instead moves the money to a different spot. Neither he, nor Lisa have a lot of respect for their frequently absent fathers. They find adults to be inherently hypocritical. Both kids do share a love of animals though. Together, they decide to run away to Biarritz, a resort town, and start spending a little money. The thieves are livid when they discover their stash is missing, particularly Max, and they try, unsuccessfully to catch the kids. Antoine is assisted by his muscular governess Clemence as he and Lisa suffer through numerous narrow escapes while spending their ill-gotten gain. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
回复 :讲述了三个北漂的年轻人在一次奇遇之后,为了一个共同的愿望,为了让现实和心中那朵神奇之花绽放,经历的或奇葩、或奇幻的故事。“向上、向前”是这个时代的特征,也是每个心怀“梦想种子”者的奋斗目标。
回复 :胡狗蛋(胡瓜 饰)和阿妹(蓝心湄 饰)是从小玩到大的青梅竹马,虽然他们都出生在功夫世家,但两家人之间的关系却势同水火。早年间,胡狗蛋的母亲和阿妹的父亲离开了家,如今,两人被家人撺掇着,结伴进城寻找父母。巧合的是,两人的父母如今已经结为了夫妻,共同经营着一家体育用品店,早年间,这间商店的营业额十分的可观,可近日来,由于日本公司“一番”的不断挑衅和骚扰,商店的生意每况愈下。看到父母焦头烂额的样子,胡狗蛋和阿妹决定留在他们身边,帮助他们渡过难关。然而,他们并不知道的是,狡猾的一番公司正在筹划一个邪恶的阴谋。