回复 :Newly declassified hard drives taken from the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed reveal a groundbreaking look at his personal life.
回复 :教立大学社会学系四年级学生山本秋平(本木雅弘饰)即将毕业,却被毕业论文指导教授兼大学相扑部顾问的穴山(柄本明饰)找去,说他旷课太多不能给予学分,除非他愿意加入大学相扑部。秋平别无选择,相扑部里只有一个留级多年、身材单薄的青木(竹中直人饰),相继入伙的几个人情况各异:胖子田中是虔诚的基督徒;大一新生春雄是秋平的弟弟,他的到来纯属被逼无奈。仓促成军的他们在比赛中连连失利,引来众人耻笑辱骂。面对嘲笑,他们开始认真训练,希望在下次比赛中获得好成绩,英国留学生斯迈利也加入了相扑部,他们五人将走上什么样的道路呢?
回复 :Somewhere in Myanmar is a forest rich in amber and controlled by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). Most of its inhabitants work in a mine, digging the earth night and days in the hope of finding the precious ore that will get them out of poverty. But on top of the excruciating hardship of the work, they also have to fear an attack from the army.