讲述了清年间,衬衫辽东清河县令伍四六为保护流浪儿童与教 唆和拐卖儿童的犯罪团伙展开了激烈斗争,衬衫急着要为伍知 县生儿育女的麻翠姑,在参与解救流浪儿童的斗争中,第 一次找到了做母亲的感觉。...
讲述了清年间,衬衫辽东清河县令伍四六为保护流浪儿童与教 唆和拐卖儿童的犯罪团伙展开了激烈斗争,衬衫急着要为伍知 县生儿育女的麻翠姑,在参与解救流浪儿童的斗争中,第 一次找到了做母亲的感觉。...
回复 :2005年索菲亚国际电影节回顾单元评选的“保加利亚影史十部最伟大影片”之一。A large balloon suddenly appears above villages and fields and grabs the attention of the peasants. They start liking the sudden guest from nowhere for the beauty of the free existence. A policeman comes and the dreams of freedom vanish.A barrage balloon appears unexpectedly over a Bulgarian village. The startled villagers decide to knock it down with a fusillade. But the balloon flies off to the mountains. The villagers, armed to their teeth, set off after it. But they are not alone in this undertaking. There is another armed group that chases the 'wonder'. An argument whose property the balloon is breaks out between the two groups. It turns out that the balloon flew from Romania over the Danube River. In the turmoil following the argument, the balloon is destroyed. The police arrive and punish the villagers for meddling in other people's affairs.
回复 :亨利(让·迦本 Jean Gabin 饰)经营着一家夜总会,进行一些下流艳俗的表演,擅长跳肚皮舞的劳拉(玛丽亚·费力克斯 María Félix 饰)是台柱一般的存在。不景气的经济和亨利的不善经营很快就让夜总会来到了濒临破产的边缘,就在这个节骨眼上,亨利认识了平凡的洗衣女工妮妮(弗朗索瓦·阿努尔 Françoise Arnoul 饰),在妮妮的身上,亨利看到了过人的天赋,并且开创了“康康舞”这一前所未有的舞蹈形式。凭借着康康舞,亨利的夜总会再度红火了起来,然而劳拉和妮妮之间日积月累的矛盾却在开业的那一天彻底爆发。之后,一位亲王爱上了妮妮,打算给夜总会投资,可眼红的劳拉却破坏了这桩生意。
回复 :玛丽是一名滥用药物的咨询师,酗酒成性。她酒驾被抓,不得不接受父亲的邀请到尼亚加拉瀑布附近的家里与他同住。后来,玛丽渐渐发现父亲有很多事情瞒着她,玛丽还有个妹妹,却压根也不知道她的存在。这部影片有着清新、智慧的视角,既幽默又动人,是莫莉·麦格林第一次执导的作品。