回复 :In 2015, Spanish environmentalists posted a video showing a dolphin trainer mistreating animals at the dolphinarium in Mallorca. It prompted an international scandal, because the trainer in question was José Luis Barbero, who had just been appointed as vice president at the prestigious Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta in the US. Barbero had a reputation as a visionary trainer who, over the decades, radically changed the world of dolphin shows. This is a man who demands everything of himself, his staff and his animals. Was the video an indictment of the entire system or a deliberate attempt to destroy the reputation of one person?Two worlds collide in The Last Dolphin King. On one side stands the lucrative entertainment industry, which treats intelligent animals as valuable commodities. On the other are the animal rights activists who launch an all-out attack on the man and the sector he represents. When Barbero is reported missing, we discover that his past is as complex as his personality. Eyewitnesses describe a man who was increasingly trapped in an industry without a future.
回复 :住在一起的露珠和秀灿和公公住在一起,因为有外遇的丈夫而伤心的媳妇,在公公的安慰下找到了新的温柔港湾。
回复 : 美丽端庄的静子(小向美奈子 饰)父母早年双亡,她被海东财团的总裁义一郎收为养女,受到良好的教育。长大后静子远赴意大利学习大提琴,几年后载誉归来,出于感恩她嫁给义父为妻。然而好景不长,海东财团在对手的算计下破产,义一郎则病发身亡。从新娘沦为遗孀的静子更被一群黑道劫去,备受凌辱。危难时刻,远山财团的青年总裁近藤(本宮泰風)出手相救,娶静子为妻,并将她安置在一幢与世隔绝的别墅中。从地狱再次回到人间的静子,如何也无法想到将有怎样黑暗疏离的未来等待着她……本片根据官能作家团鬼六的同名原著改编,该故事曾被数次搬上银幕