亚洲Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
亚洲Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
回复 :东汉末年,精通风水阴阳、堪舆演星之术的乔二被迫与夫人下入墓穴探取长生石,然而墓穴坍塌众人被埋入地下。再次醒来的乔二发现自己到了民国年代,对当代社会一窍不通的他偶遇了与妻子长相一样的小飞莺。靠着众人的协助,乔二将再次下墓寻找自己的爱人。
回复 :只有他们能侦听到的太空的神秘声音?他们到底发现了什么?三位天文学家意外地截获了他们认为是来自遥远的外星文明的信号,但事实比他们任何人想象的都要不可思议。该片制作历时五年,四个工作人员,三个演员,零预算的独立电影。
回复 :安托瓦内特是一名教师,她正期待着和秘密情人弗拉基米尔一起度过计划已久的暑假。弗拉基米尔是她一个学生的父亲。当得知Meijubar.net弗拉基米尔不能来是因为他的妻子带着他们的女儿和一头驴去塞文国家公园度假时,安托瓦内特决定独自跟随他们的足迹,还有一头保护他们的驴帕特里克。