回复 :The Seventh Companion (Russian: Седьмой спутник, translit. Sedmoy Sputnik) is a 1967 black-and-white Soviet film set in St. Petersburg in the years following the Russian Revolution; its title is commonly translated as The Seventh Companion. The film marked the directorial debut of Russian director Aleksei German, who co-directed it with Grigori Aronov.The film is based on a novel by Boris Lavrenyov.
回复 :Paul (Morgan) investigates his late father's increasingly disturbing past and becomes suspicious of the mysterious, melancholic, and possibly dangerous, Madeleine (Ardant).
回复 :每个人都有不愿告人的秘密,很明显影片的主人公提塔迪-基洛拉莫也是一样,而且他的秘密还不止一个。这个50岁的男人8年前来到瑞士一个不知名的小镇,住在一间旅馆里面。8年间没有和人说话,没有工作,一直沉默在烟草和寂静中,他仿佛坠入到对某种隐藏物的沉思中而不能自拔。生活在他的面前,但他却无动于衷,到底什么样的秘密使他变成这样?