回复 :This riveting documentary, "Black Panthers - Huey!", directed by French filmmaker Agnes Varda transports you to the pivotal Free Huey rally held on February 17th, 1968 (Newton's birthday), at Oakland Auditorium in Alameda, California. Newton, the charismatic young college student who, along with Bobby Seale, created the Black Panther Party, had been jailed for allegedly killing a police officer. His arrest--widely believed at the time to be a setup--galvanized Party support throughout the nation and led to a boom in Party membership, bringing a new level of public attention to the Panthers' cause. Over 5,000 people attended the rally, which featured Party leaders and guest speakers including Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, James Forman, Bob Avakian, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown and Ron Dellums. Through stark un-editorialized footage, this documentary chronicles the speakers outlining the Party's platform goals, their strategies for freeing Newton from jail and more.
回复 :老三(刘烨 饰)本来是个大有前途的海军军人,可是在一次救人中意外的损毁了脑神经,不得不提早退役。退役后的老三始终生活在自娱自乐的军人生活中,更是以见义勇为,消灭一切邪恶力量为己任。多年的军旅生活和坚持不懈的锻炼,让老三在与小偷、票贩子、犯罪团伙的一次次搏斗中战无不胜。另一方面,香港黑帮大哥阿龙(黄秋生 饰)带着妻子和手下悄悄的来到了老三所在的城市,他们的目标是即将在此展出的宋代文物——岳家抢。刑警队长老蒋(尤勇 饰)的暗中已经盯上了这股黑帮势力,却不想老三以十足的正义感和不大高明的头脑横搅入局。一场硬碰硬的三方对决在正义与邪恶之间拉开帷幕。
回复 :韩国动作片。故事讲述为了寻找失踪的妹妹恩惠(朴世婉 饰)的下落,仁爱(李诗英 饰)逐渐爆发的故事,这是一部带着复仇色彩的动作片。李诗英在片中扮演的仁爱是一名全职保镖,因卷入过度的警卫争议而锒铛入狱,出狱后梦想着和妹妹过平凡的生活,结果妹妹却突然失踪了。学校和警察都不帮忙,仁爱只能自己寻找妹妹。