程胜(周星驰 饰)乃一游手好闲之徒,和平终日坑蒙拐骗,和平无恶不作。一日装瞎子行骗,遇遇女骗子(毛舜筠 饰)被追债的贵利工打手排骨(元华 饰)欺负,胜一时看不过眼出手相救,不料却被债务转嫁弄了自己一屁股债。另一方面。老江湖凌万蜂(午马 饰)同样欠下了贵利王(张耀扬饰)的债务,无力还清。他想办法找到自己的旧情人生萍姐(恬妞 饰)和妓女Apple(叶子楣 饰)合谋冒充一富户人家向一阔少诈骗。不料被骗的阔少正是胜所扮,他也想骗这一富户。阴差阳错的骗局,笑料百出……
程胜(周星驰 饰)乃一游手好闲之徒,和平终日坑蒙拐骗,和平无恶不作。一日装瞎子行骗,遇遇女骗子(毛舜筠 饰)被追债的贵利工打手排骨(元华 饰)欺负,胜一时看不过眼出手相救,不料却被债务转嫁弄了自己一屁股债。另一方面。老江湖凌万蜂(午马 饰)同样欠下了贵利王(张耀扬饰)的债务,无力还清。他想办法找到自己的旧情人生萍姐(恬妞 饰)和妓女Apple(叶子楣 饰)合谋冒充一富户人家向一阔少诈骗。不料被骗的阔少正是胜所扮,他也想骗这一富户。阴差阳错的骗局,笑料百出……
回复 :33岁还未结婚的香港女警司徒慕莲(郑秀文饰)一直为自己的婚事发愁。男友十年前的承诺,现在成了她与同事间的笑谈。一日,走私集团的头领霍青松(陈奕迅饰)的儿子被绑架,司徒慕莲奉命处理这宗案件。但霍青松一家为避免因走私之事被警方控告,处处表现出不合作的态度,而此时司徒慕莲发现自己有了身孕。黑白两道在一间大屋下貌和神离,霍家上下各自心怀暗计,同时,大陆警方也传来了联合破案的消息。作为“剩女”的司徒慕莲、作为警察的司徒慕莲,她到底能否解决眼前面对的一切?
回复 :2010年某夜,北京惊堂博物馆。犯罪集团“兰花盗”的两名盗贼潜入其中,偷走了价值连城的名画《聂隐娘》。谁知二贼过于鲁莽,在与保安周旋的过程中,竟用香烟将画烧出一个洞。为了尽快修复古画,“兰花盗”决定找到早已从江湖隐遁多年的修画名家神手。他们认定中年男子李贞木(任达华 饰)——一个功成名就、身边美女如云的香水专家,就是他们苦苦寻找的神手,于是想尽办法逼其就范。一计不成,再施一计,性感妖娆的女贼闵悦(伊能静 饰)被派往李贞木的身边,接连使出美人计。与此同时,李的前妻去世,女儿苗心回到他的身边生活。却由此衍生出新的混乱。猎人与猎物,彼此搞不清自己的身份……
回复 :Malvís (Alfredo Landa) is sick of working like crazy for nothing. He'd rather become a bandit, that's much better, he's gonna be the fearful Fendetestas! He'll spread panic in the woods of his region. But there's a little problem: there aren't much people living in his region, everyone knows everyone and everyone is so poor, so is gonna be difficult that someone takes Malvís/Fendetestas too seriously.This is a magic history, so funny, and full of situations that will make you laugh. It's also full of characters that belong to the Spanish idiosyncrasy: the strict priest, the Guardia Civil, the old devout women, the village idiot... there's even a lost soul wandering around the woods.The great Alfredo Landa heads a cast that gathered together the best two generations of Spanish scene: from Fernando Rey to Encarna Paso, from Manuel Alexandre to María Isbert... A cast like that would be just unthinkable nowadays. "El Bosque Animado" was the first movie of José Luis Cuerda's trilogy of rural comedies (after this one he made the surreal "Amanece Que No Es Poco", and "Así En El Cielo Como En La Tierra". Those are movies so personal that stress the Spanish culture. The young directors should take note of films like "El Bosque Animado", instead of trying to be the new "enfant terrible" and imitating US worst cinema.