民国时期,精品海盗帮主蔡炎(樊少皇 饰)遭遇陷害。后假借失忆被南少林寺方丈慧远禅师收留。面对海盗追杀南少林弟子用血肉之躯保护乡亲,精品也感化了不信天地的蔡炎,帮助他成长为保护一方水土的“怒目金刚”的故事。
民国时期,精品海盗帮主蔡炎(樊少皇 饰)遭遇陷害。后假借失忆被南少林寺方丈慧远禅师收留。面对海盗追杀南少林弟子用血肉之躯保护乡亲,精品也感化了不信天地的蔡炎,帮助他成长为保护一方水土的“怒目金刚”的故事。
回复 :Having become a campus celebrity after a (fictional) cancer diagnosis, a young woman (Kacey Rohl) struggles to maintain her fabrication in this fearless and emotionally affecting new feature by Calvin Thomas and Yonah Lewis (Amy George, The Oxbow Cure, Spice It Up).
回复 :山姆在伊拉克执行期间负伤,回国后不得已接受了一份在监狱任职的工作,也因此接触到黑暗的监狱文化:贿赂守卫和毒品交易。工作中的暴力和绝望,加上在伊拉克打仗的血腥回忆让他坠入了酒精和毒品的深渊,家人也逐渐远离他。在一次监狱内部和死刑对抗中,他意识到拿着纳税人的钱看守犯人的守卫们可能像犯人一样堕落腐化。于是他被卷入到一场危险的猫鼠游戏中,一个大规模的监狱暴动迫在眉睫。
回复 :Nina is twelve years old and her world has just been shattered to smithereens: Her parents’ marriage has broken down and they are getting a divorce. After his internationally successful debut Miracle Juraj Lehotský now brings us an intimate drama in which the viewer looks upon the world and the selfish, visionless behaviour of adults through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. A girl who is resilient and belligerent, but also vulnerable and just as fragile as the miniature world she creates for herself in the garden shed.