回复 :Timed with the 2020 women's suffrage centennial, American Masters - Unladylike2020: The Changemakers takes a look at women whose courage and tenacity 100 years ago shaped the political life and future of this nation. Their accomplishments were instrumental in accomplishing voting rights for women -- but also in improving the quality of life for all citizens. This hour-long PBS American Masters animated documentary film will present profiles of five little-known women trailblazers who were active in government, civil rights, and citizenship rights, behaving in ways that placed them outside the mainstream of expected behaviors for 'ladies' at the turn of the 20th century. They include: Martha Hughes Cannon, the country's first female state senator; Jovita Idar, a journalist, and president of one of the first Mexican American women's civil rights organizations; Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress; Mary Church Terrell, a leader in the anti-lynching movement and a founder of the NAACP; and Zitkála-Sá, aka Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, who lobbied for U.S. citizenship, voting rights and sovereignty for American Indians a century ago.
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回复 :秀才王魁,因投亲不遇,流落山东莱阳,病倒在海神庙,恰遇名妓敫桂英前来焚香,在雪地里救起王魁。敫桂英爱其才貌双全,以私蓄相助其攻读诗书,后又以身相许,两人恩情缱绻。两年后,王魁赴京赶考,得中状元,一时志高气昂。韩丞相欲招赘为婿,王魁开始还以桂英为念,但最后抵不住诱惑,作出决定放弃旧妻,入赘相府。敫桂英自送别王魁后,思念之心日切,在海神庙焚香祷告,祈愿王魁身体安康,早回莱阳。丫环小菊带着两位官家来报,说王魁已中状元,并带来书信一封,敫桂英急忙拆读来信,一看竟是休书。。。