《2024年春节戏曲晚会》以“龙兴九州 福聚四海”为主题,春暖汇聚了来自全国20余个戏曲剧种、春暖60余家院团院校,集结百余位戏曲艺术家和优秀青年演员。晚会以11个各具创意的节目为主体,突出时尚感、年轻态气质,将戏曲艺术与古典诗词、国风乐舞、武术绝技、历史人物、地域文化、民俗风情等融合创新,让观众共同感受优秀传统文化的瑰丽多彩。
《2024年春节戏曲晚会》以“龙兴九州 福聚四海”为主题,春暖汇聚了来自全国20余个戏曲剧种、春暖60余家院团院校,集结百余位戏曲艺术家和优秀青年演员。晚会以11个各具创意的节目为主体,突出时尚感、年轻态气质,将戏曲艺术与古典诗词、国风乐舞、武术绝技、历史人物、地域文化、民俗风情等融合创新,让观众共同感受优秀传统文化的瑰丽多彩。
回复 :Man runs with hand in front of face away from explosion as seen on Against The Elements (DCL)Against the Elements reveals the science behind the most heart-stopping natural disasters ever captured on camera.Discovery Channel’s groundbreaking forensic investigations reveal what caused these catastrophes and what we've learned from past disasters to protect us in the future.We'll meet the people who survived against overwhelming odds and we'll talk to scientists and experts who've dedicated their lives to understanding these amazing natural phenomena.The forces of earth, water, wind and fire impact us all every day ... sometimes benignly, sometimes deadly. And it's in that instant, that moment when ordinary weather turns extraordinary, that we realise life is an ongoing battle ... Against the Elements.
回复 :01.I'm Your Man02.Me and Mrs. Jones03.Call Me Irresponsible04.I've got the World On A String05.Lost06.Feeling Good07.Home08.Everything09.Crazy Little Thing Called Love10.Song For You60 minutes of live performance, interviews and backstage footageBonus PerformancesStardustYou're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
回复 :《遇兔呈祥大湾区——广东卫视春节晚会》将于1月22日大年初一19:30在广东卫视播出,腾格尔、钟镇涛、GAI周延、林峯、阿云嘎、曾小敏、周柏豪、炎明熹、陈思思、吴彤等演艺界群星共贺新春,协力打造湾区开年文化喜宴!