回复 :前世界拳击冠军尼克发现了丹尼,他刚成为俄亥俄州轻重量级冠军。丹尼雄心勃勃要成为世界冠军,所以尼克提出要训练他。经过一场紧张的训练,他们开始参加在拉斯维加斯举行的拳击世界锦标赛,在那里丹尼将会遇到残酷的冠军乔,他曾经击败过尼克。他们的对抗和失败的记忆唤醒了尼克的思想,他变成了一个酒鬼,不仅是他的女朋友玛姬。
回复 :本片的主要人物是一个中产家庭的两母女,母亲是典型的贤妻良母,女儿则是活泼好动,个性男性化的中学生。由于女儿不听管教,母女二人经常抱怨,希望成为对方。就在他们说出这句话的同时,奇迹发生了,他们的灵魂进行了互调。由于个性和修养的截然不同,母亲和女儿对调身体以后当然不能适应,而闹出一连串的笑话。
回复 :A film on the come back of exorcism in the contemporary world. Our world. Each year a growing number of people call their sense of unease “possession.” In Italy, Europe, worldwide. The Church answers to this spiritual emergency nominating an increasing number of exorcist priests and organizing training courses. Father Cataldo is one of the most sought-after exorcists in Sicily and elsewhere; he is famous for his tireless fighting spirit. Every Tuesday Gloria, Enrico, Anna, and Giulia, along with many others, attend Father Cataldo’s mass for deliverance, trying to find a cure for a sense of discomfort that has no answer nor a name. Whether believers or not, how far are we prepared to go to get recognition for our own disease? What are we prepared to do to be delivered from it, here and now? This is the story of a meeting between the act of exorcism and everyday life, where the contrasts between the ancient and modern, the religious and profane, are at times disturbing and at others exhilarating. A film not about religion, but about how religion can be experienced.