回复 :Pain, passion, and love, get a look into the mind of Machine Gun Kelly.
回复 :At the time of the Polish social regime, a security officer is promoted to work at a prison yard. Introducing concurrently with the narrator; he speaks of himself, his thoughts, his point of view. He tells that he is not afraid of bandits or gangs; on the contrary he gets a kick out armed conflicts. To get a start in his new duty, he shops for a watchdog; and he buys an untrained attack dog as his companion. Then he speaks of the adjudications that the death sentence for fugitives is lacking influence. From his point of view, the judicatory tribunal must execute the fugitives in public. In the morning the next day he wears his uniform and start working with pride.Whilst he is on his duty, a very harmonic music score begins to be played on the piano. The watchman spectates the peaceful life on the street. At that time we catch on that socialism is not a governmental regime; yet it's an uneducated behavior.As a final scene the watchman witnesses of a cadet school's pupils being taught of the democracy. He leaves us with a confused smile.A soft and likable thesis from the Polish director Kieslowski. You can find this short documentary as a special feature in his DVD of A Short Film About Killing. It could help you to compass his film language.
回复 :随着新时代的来临,曾一度显赫的京都蒔冈家慢慢开始衰败,而家中的四个女儿却仍是城中一道美丽的风景。大姐鹤子(岸恵子 饰)固守祖屋,时刻维护着家族的声誉;二姐幸子(佐久间良子 饰)性格刚烈强势,使得上门女婿贞之助(石坂浩二 饰)相形见绌;老三雪子(吉永小百合 饰)温柔贤淑,然对于自己的婚事却总迟迟未决;老四妙子(古手川祐子 饰)个性张扬开放,是一个比较西化的女孩。妙子的绯闻闹得满城风雨,烦恼的鹤子和家人商量,决定尽早为雪子找到如意郎君,以维护门风。不过说起来容易,一向沉默不语的雪子却接连回绝了数门婚事,这倒让欣赏雪子的贞之助暗暗欢喜……改编自谷崎润一郎同名小说,东宝映画50周年纪念作品。