回复 :Ruth is searching for her father – a man she hardly knew but cannot forget. Desperation drives her to work without a permit, at a massage parlour, where she gives ‘happy endings’ to unfulfilled men. Torn between several schisms, Mumbai becomes the backdrop for Ruth's quest as she struggles to find her independence and space even as she is sucked deeper into the labyrinthine politics of the city's underbelly.
回复 :讲述了一直向往外界的公主琳娜,阴差阳错中与“大盗”司马森相遇,在他的“帮助”下成功逃离王宫、最终揭开女巫阴谋的冒险故事。
回复 :抗战时期,三不管地带的农民遭恶霸宋老虎压榨,宋华因与虎的爪牙理论而被擒。阿女为救华,被迫答允嫁虎为妾。虎的长子宋明东实非虎亲生,得悉亲生父母为虎迫死后,与华合力对付虎,救出女,一起远走高飞。