回复 :Four desperate teenagers. A night of sexy mayhem. The big city. Or so the plan goes, until a series of misadventures later, Babai, Pele, Ria and Payal end up in a locked shopping mall in the dead of the night. Alone at last... until an old couple appears out of nowhere with a piece of folded leather and a glass container with two dice made of bone. A game. Simple, but deadly. They call it Ludo. A game defiled by a young couple centuries ago. An unbreakable curse, a living board, eons of bloodbath spanning the subcontinent. A game that has reached this city. Not just monsters, but prisoners of fate. Immortal lovers existing under a curse that will not die. They live within the game. Blood must spill. Bone must shatter. Beware the rattle of the Ludo dice.
回复 :屌丝青年李小满因被大学开除,无颜回家,孤身留在北京,以在街头相面算命骗点小钱维持生计,梦想有招一日能发达成功,以此赢回恋人姜夏的心。陷入人生谷底的李小满绝境逢生,意外获得了读心术的超能力。就在李小满的神棍事业混的风生水起之际,他落魄时租住的老宿舍楼大院被王昊收购,面临被强拆的命运。在好友肥波、房东董小姐,和那些善良居民的影响下,李小满利用他的超能力,带领大院居民一次次挫败了王昊的强拆行动。直到遭遇隐居在精神病院的变态异能力高手邪大师。大战在即,李小满得知姜夏答应了王昊求婚的消息。李小满陷入了友情和爱情难两全的境地……
回复 :一场只可思念的爱情。一个失落的丈夫(朴施厚 饰)在妻子(尹恩惠 饰)陪伴在身边时没有意识到她对自己有多重要,直到她离开后才追悔莫及。丈夫带着对妻子的思念与眷恋来到韩国,踏上一场名为思念的旅途……在丈夫的前半生中,妻子用“生命”表达她对丈夫的爱恋,而当妻子意外身亡之后,丈夫则是用后半生来表达他的爱恋。