爱情An extra-smart dog and detective team up to stop a DNA enhanced killer.
爱情An extra-smart dog and detective team up to stop a DNA enhanced killer.
回复 :纽约警察-汉森是个无赖的警察.他很喜欢吸毒,泡妞.他吸毒之后自己所作的事情,连杀死人他事后都不记得,别人破案他去污钱,污毒品.纽约警察调查局开紿调查他的底细,汉森的下场会如何呢?
回复 :The hilarious aftermath of a sleepover birthday party hypnotism gone wrong as best friends Megan and Paige, along with soon-to-be step-sister Veronica, wake up with absolutely no memory of the night before. Now they must retrace their steps to find missing birthday girl Anna Maria... and explain why there's a flock of baby ducks in the bathtub, what happened to Megan's left eyebrow, and why she's wearing unattainable hottie Jake Ramirez's (Rodriguez) signature black hoodie.
回复 :片中主角牛叔的父亲在日本统治时期是个汉奸,他为了保全自己的性命而将抗日义士的全家杀害。义士沉冤地下之后变成了冤魂,并誓杀牛叔全家为自己一家人报仇。牛叔拥有阴阳眼能看见游魂,并与群鬼交上了朋友。在群鬼的保护之下,义士的冤魂未能伤害牛叔,于是又转向牛叔的儿子辉下手。为免辉遇害,牛叔将辉送往国外避难。自此,牛叔在新界经营山水茶楼,白天营业,晚上却款待群鬼以答谢保护家人之恩。辉二十六岁时回港发展,地产发展商计划收购牛叔茶楼地皮,牛叔坚持不卖,辉决定盗取地契及印鉴卖地。被牛叔发觉后,慌乱间辉以重物击倒牛叔。辉忤逆伤父,触怒群鬼,他们不再保护辉,义士冤魂终得以有机会向辉下毒手。辉在车祸中死去,其魂魄回到茶楼,才知道老父往日招呼群鬼的原因,辉悔恨不已。此时冤魂又向牛叔下手,牛叔与冤魂达成交易,愿以自己的性命换取儿子的性命。当辉醒来时,发觉在车祸中丧生的竟是牛叔。从此辉接管了茶楼,并于夜间在每张桌上摆酒设供、款待鬼神。