雇佣兵理查德·布鲁梅雷,成人又名“拉·米斯特”(代号“迷雾”),成人曾是一名神秘的法国特勤局特工。由于 25 年前他为儿子阿奇博尔德争取的豁免权被取消,他不得不重操旧业。一场犯罪活动威胁到阿奇博尔德的生命,为了拯救自己的儿子,理查德没有更好的选择,只好求助于他的旧相识,并与一群鲁莽的年轻人和一名另类的官僚合作。但对理查德来说,最重要的是鼓起勇气让阿奇博尔德知道自己是他的父亲。
雇佣兵理查德·布鲁梅雷,成人又名“拉·米斯特”(代号“迷雾”),成人曾是一名神秘的法国特勤局特工。由于 25 年前他为儿子阿奇博尔德争取的豁免权被取消,他不得不重操旧业。一场犯罪活动威胁到阿奇博尔德的生命,为了拯救自己的儿子,理查德没有更好的选择,只好求助于他的旧相识,并与一群鲁莽的年轻人和一名另类的官僚合作。但对理查德来说,最重要的是鼓起勇气让阿奇博尔德知道自己是他的父亲。
回复 :On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all: a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by surprise when her ex- boyfriend (and family favorite) suddenly shows up after disappearing from her life completely. Torn, Clara must decide between going back to the past or open her heart to new and unexpected possibilities.
回复 :讲述了从出生起便被人认为是身带诅咒的主人公阿罗,在与家人迁徙到临时村落集合后受到的各种排挤。后通过朋友基亚和其叔叔的帮助,与命运做斗争,以自己的聪明和勇气最终赢得一年一度火箭节比赛的胜利,证明自己是正常人并被村民所接受的故事。影片视角独特,导演基姆·默多恩特是世界影坛新生代导演代表人物之一,该片曾获得第63届柏林国际电影节最佳电影处女作提名,第18届釜山国际电影节未来景象奖提名。西尔维娅·威尔斯基担任本片制片人,她的许多作品在多个国际电影节上展映。影片中两位小演员史蒂芬·蒂萨姆、朗曼·考赛娜,将男女主人公演绎的惟妙惟肖,令人印象深刻。本片出品公司Red Lamp Films成立于1999年,曾制作过许多备受好评的纪录片和电影,在40多个国际电影节和其他大型活动上展映。
回复 :Astronomer Bill Whitley is so preoccupied with the new comet he's discovered that his time at the observatory sometimes comes at the expense of his beautiful wife, Vicky. When the neglected spouse becomes influenced by an eccentric neighbor into believing in the power of astrology, she subscribes to a weekly horoscope from a phony seer, the appropriately named Margaret Sybill. When the beautiful Mrs. Whitley reads that a new dream man will be coming soon into her life, she assumes he's taken the form of Lloyd Hunter, a handsome and dashing foreign correspondent who doubles as the neighborhood air raid warden. A frantic Bill realizes that he's going to have to keep closer track of his earthbound heavenly body if he's going to keep the prediction from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.