回复 :《#海豹突击队# SEAL Team》正式续订第五季。今年稍晚回归时,会先在CBS做特别播出,随后移至新家Paramount+独家上线。
回复 :《我亲爱的朋友们》是韩国TVN电视台将于2016年播出的电视剧,该剧将由《我的秘密酒店》的导演洪忠灿掌镜,韩国金牌编剧卢熙京操刀剧本,由高贤廷、金惠子、罗文熙、高斗心等韩国演员联袂演出,故事将围绕着几个人之间的亲情、友情、爱情而展开始终呐喊着还没有结束、依旧活力四射的黄昏青春的一族们在黄昏青春时究竟会发生什么令人想不到的故事呢?他们和自己的一些年轻朋友们又将擦出什么样的火花呢?《我亲爱的朋友们》将启用全明星超豪华阵容以吸引观众的目光哦!像金英玉、金智英、罗文熙、朴元顺、周宪、高斗心等人都使韩国实力派演技高手呢,他们将倾情演绎黄昏青春们精彩的生活,顶尖戏骨们的强强联手势必带来愈加精彩可观的大戏,韩剧迷们和小编一起来期待吧!
回复 :Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man's wife, Susan Fallon. The body was found by his son-in-law Peter Rhodes, a local antiques dealer and the victim's wife was in London. When Fallon's doctor advises Morse that Henry didn't have the physical capability to hold a gun to his head, the police realize they may have a murder on their hands. When the police are told that the business arrangement between Fallon and Rhodes had fallen apart, they also have a suspect. Lewis is concerned that Morse is too close to Mrs. Fallon to be objective but in the end, the perpetrators are identified.