回复 :Kang Hyeon-joong, a former National Intelligence Service agent, is currently running a private investigator office after he quit his previous job. Han Mi-so is his secretary helping him with his daily tasks in the office. One day, Kim Jin-hee comes to the detective’s office and requests him to investigate all the women who follow her husband around. She introduces herself as wife of Jang Joon-seok, CEO of the prominent construction company, Dae-ho Trading. When she started dating her current husband, who used to be a mere frontline employee, her father trained him into a professional entrepreneur and then promoted him to the current position. When her husband became successful, women began pursuing him. She said these women tried to blackmail her husband for money. Kang Hyeon-joong accepts the request and starts investigating the women around Joon-seok. When Kang Hyeon-joong finds out that there is this woman, So-yeon, who sees joon-seok often, he scolds So-yeon. However, she says it is unfair because it is Joon-seok, who is bothering her.
回复 :女工陆小芬偶遇青年赵树海,不久之后俩人产生火花就同居在一起,然而,赵树海一心飞黄腾达,想和老板的女儿画家张富美,攀上高枝头,陆小芬为其堕胎,为了等夜归的树海,险遭流氓阿飞强暴,树海说是公司开会,其实想尽办法接近某富美,博得其欢心。陆小芬向富美摊牌,逼宫,树海怕鸡飞蛋又打,和小芬又是一夜软语温存,转脸就又向富美苦苦解释。树海觉得小芬是他路上的绊脚石,动了杀念.....
回复 :柳如是的父亲重病过世,留下庞大的债务令柳如是母女无力偿还,债主于是强逼柳如是以身偿还,并将柳如是卖给了当时的名妓徐佛。柳如是在陪客的宴席中,所表现出的率直、天真与聪明伶俐,被客人周道登看中,并将她娶回家中为妾。周道登乃宰相之后,书香门第让 柳如是有了学习的机会,也成为她日后为一代名妓的条件!柳如是虽然很得周道登的疼爱,然而周道登并无法满足她年轻旺盛的慾望,终于柳如是勾搭上家中的长工,年轻的欲火一发不可收拾,两个人在家中的每个角落留下了缠绵的身影……