回复 :本片根据全国基层理论宣讲先进个人李坤池老人的真实事迹改编 ,退休老支书郑文轩,离开岗位后,不忘初心,发挥余热,干起了基层宣讲工作,用质朴的语言、以群众喜闻乐见的艺术化形式传递党的方针政策最后一公里!该片由安徽省委宣传部、省委讲师团指导,阜阳市委宣传部、阜阳市颍州区委、阜阳市颍州区人民政府联合策划,阜阳市委讲师团协助拍摄,阜阳市颍州区委宣传部联合摄制,向新中国成立70周年献礼。
回复 :一位儿子在父亲去世后坚忍地回到他的村庄,回忆起他们遇到的离奇的事件
回复 :Trevor is a 16 year old, sometimes-violent skinhead with no regard for authority, and would rather spend his time stealing cars than sitting in the detention centre to which he is sent. His social worker, Harry Parker, tries to do his best, but Trevor is only interested when there's something that he can get out of it. The authorities within the centre try to make Trevor conform to the norms of society, but he takes no notice, and would rather speak in a torrent of four-letter words and racial abuse.