回复 :After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. They hailed from the rural South, steel towns, and the San Fernando Valley. As teenagers, and young adults, none of them thought that porn was in their future. They were artists, baseball players, child prodigies, and even Ivy Leaguers. Now, after their lives in porn; they're TV stars, bounty hunters, writers, and social activists. What happened in between? And now that they've moved on, can they really live a normal life after porn? Written by Bryce Wagoner
回复 :《秀才遇见兵》:军队入城,老学究徐秀才(程刚 饰)为免生事端,严禁弱智儿子玉杰(石天 饰)和美丽的女儿玉珍上街。谁想正逢佳节,两个贪玩的孩子偷偷外出,偶然邂逅方营长。方迷恋玉珍的美貌,想尽办法要抱得美人归。无奈徐秀才虽然色心不死,但表面迂腐守旧,冥顽不灵,与方营长及其下属上演连番斗智斗勇的闹剧……《牛鬼蛇神》:某地民众信奉青蛇变化的二青爷,因而青蛇所在的道观终日香火不断,求神问卜者络绎不绝,暗地乐坏了恣意敛财的道士们;衣冠楚楚的朱华(宗华 饰)和妻子淑珍(夏萍 饰)来到这里,却将一陌生的乞丐婆认作亲娘;街头唱曲的小吕邂逅三个美艳女子,稀里糊涂上演一出三英战吕布,谁曾想终成他人赚钱的工具。朗朗乾坤,盗骗横行……
回复 :西游记成人版三藏法师金箍棒插入!且看这西天取经之路上到底都有什么!