回复 :2016年,长城守望者威廉·林赛徒步长城30周年之际,他和两个儿子杰米和汤米共同开展了为期60天的长城遗址探索。这是有史以来第一次有人从空中完整地拍摄到长城全景。他们从明长城的起点——坐落在渤海之滨的老龙头向西出发,探索更加古老的赵长城,然后继续向西几百公里,探索汉长城;之后飞往乌兰巴托,探寻老地图上标注的成吉思汗边墙。整个行程长达15000公里。用无人机拍摄偏远地区的长城遗址,不但展现了一个全新的视角,从空中看长城也可以帮助观察者更好地了解修筑者的心思。
回复 :Violette, 16, a promising young swimmer, has decided to live her homosexuality openly. Supported by her loving parents, she blossoms and fall in love with Lisa. While it's more difficult for Lisa to show her true feelings, they're going to experience the joy of first love together. But when Violette is assaulted in the street while they were holding hands, their relationship takes a dramatic turn.
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