温玉浓(戴燕妮 饰)为查清温家灭门真相,日韩假借身份进入秦家,日韩却与三年前的爱人秦恪闻(代高政 饰)再度相逢,任务频频受阻。秦恪闻抱着复仇的目的归来,发誓要揭开温玉浓爱情骗子的面目。两人针锋相对,却在两人一次次的周旋之中,情意更浓。
温玉浓(戴燕妮 饰)为查清温家灭门真相,日韩假借身份进入秦家,日韩却与三年前的爱人秦恪闻(代高政 饰)再度相逢,任务频频受阻。秦恪闻抱着复仇的目的归来,发誓要揭开温玉浓爱情骗子的面目。两人针锋相对,却在两人一次次的周旋之中,情意更浓。
回复 :Every weekend the gay male choir G-Voice rehearses in Seoul – as they have been doing since 2003. The choir, being a kind of antidote to homophobic Korean society, makes the everyday lives of gay men its theme in an intelligent and humorous way. For their tenth anniversary, the members are planning to give their first big concert with ambitious arrangements, creative choreographies and many new pieces. This really puts these amateur singers to the test because the enthusiasm of some members outweighs their vocal abilities, whilst others work themselves into the ground as voluntary organisers. Besides preparing for their big day, G-Voice are also politically active, singing for equality and serenading against discrimination, and not just at LGBTQ demos.Director Lee Dong-ha succeeds, almost incidentally, in giving an insight into gay life in Korea. He also accompanies choir members and organisers after the rehearsals, when conversations become more personal over a meal. Filmed in the style of glossy music videos, G-Voices’ set-pieces provide a commentary, among other things, on the men’s experiences of Korean society, their conservative families and a gay joy of life. berlinale 2016
回复 :第一机械厂发生火灾,财会室烧死了四个人,工人的工资也全烧。共损失金额一百九十多万。消防队长发现有回火来到现场勘察,从墙里挖出弹头。根据弹道学原理,发现这并不是简单的火灾而是持枪抢劫大案。地面证据,死者位置都被变动了,从墙上弹痕判断,杀人凶手是两人,先灭口、后用炸弹焚屋炸毁现场,案发现场遭到两次破坏。警察认为此案有许多疑点,对此案提出三个主要疑点,没有放入此案的案卷中,所以将不能作为合理翻案的最关键的证据重新调查还此案一个真相。
回复 :在东京都板桥区一间名叫“赤冢”的秘密侦探事务所里,有些好色的侦探“刺猬”七濑五郎(瑛太 饰),与搭档“老灰”木暮(森田刚 饰)接手各种委托,有时是令人感动的悲哀故事,有时是超乎想象的非自然事件。这天,他正在事务所楼下的小吃店和打工小妹萌美扯闲篇儿时,天花板突然发出奇怪的敲击声,那是所长风香露(山口智子 饰)发出的暗号,五郎急急忙忙返回事务所。这次找到侦探所的委托人是个叫川田的男人,他要求侦探们帮他寻找一个月前去世的女儿……