回复 :Living in Tiger Tail County, Mississippi, middle aged Archie Lee Meighan and nineteen year old "Baby Doll" Meighan née McCargo have been married for close to two years. Their marriage is not based on love, but each getting what they want from the other. Their marriage agreement has them consummating their marriage on her twentieth birthday, which is in three days, the act to which Baby Doll is not really looking forward. But she does taunt him and other men with her overt "baby doll" sexuality, the baby doll aspect which she fosters by sleeping in their house's nursery in a crib. Baby Doll's now deceased father allowed the marriage on the stipulation that Archie Lee provide Baby Doll financial security as displayed by the most resplendent house in the south. They currently live in a dilapidated mansion with her Aunt Rose Comfort, and although Archie Lee is making some renovations on it, he no longer has the financial means to make it what Baby Doll wants as his cotton ginning ... Written by Huggo
回复 :青春是一场大雨。即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。人生就是不停的战斗,在还没有获得女神青睐时,左手永远都只是辅助!!!柯景腾(柯震东 饰)和他的一群好友,爱耍帅却老是情场失意的老曹(敖犬 饰),停止不了勃起所以叫勃起的勃起(鄢胜宇 饰),想用搞笑致胜却总是失败的该边(蔡昌 宪 饰),胖界的夺爱高手阿和(赦绍文 饰),从国中到高中,一直是不离不弃的死党。他们都对班花沈佳宜(陈妍希 饰)有着一种纠结的感情。一方面,他们瞧不起这种只会用功读书的女生,另一方面他们又为她的美好气质倾倒。因为学习成绩较差,柯景腾被老师安排坐在沈佳宜前面。因为他的一次英雄救美,她开始用强制的方式帮他补习功课。此事令其他兄弟羡慕嫉妒恨,但是大家都未说破。毕业后,柯景腾和沈佳宜在各自大学保持恋人般的联系。直到他举办自由格斗赛,事情才出现了变化…… 这一连串下,原本按兵不动的好友也都纷纷加入女神争夺战!但是麻吉诚可贵,青春价更高,若为女神故,是否二者皆可抛哩?!本片根据导演兼编剧九把刀在2007年的自传体小说改编。柯震东凭借本片获第48届金马奖最佳新演员。
回复 :新狱警成结识原为律师的监犯康,并与康妹成爱侣,但副狱长垂涎康妹美色,康妹惨被强奸而自杀,加上副狱长凶残成性,引起监狱暴动,成与康不顾一切决杀仇人。