回复 :Hardship and beauty lie cheek by jowl in Rosa’s home in the wilds of Calabria. When she becomes aware of her family’s involvement in the mafia, she has to decide how far she is willing to go in order to break out of the ’Ndrangheta.
回复 :Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.
回复 :从学生时代起,其貌不扬的穆瑞尔(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)便被同伴们断言不可能走入婚姻的殿堂,但即便如此,逐渐踏入社会的穆瑞尔依旧对婚姻充满了渴望。一次偶然中,穆瑞尔和曾经的校友朗达(瑞切尔·格里菲斯 Rachel Griffiths 饰)重逢了,两人相见如故一拍即合,遂即前往悉尼过起了“同居”生活。穆瑞尔结识了名叫布莱斯(Matt Day 饰)的男子,布莱斯是一名运动员,梦想是能够代表国家参加奥运会。终于,穆瑞尔和布莱斯携手踏入了婚姻的殿堂,但随着时间的推移,穆瑞尔才发现布莱斯对自己并没有爱意只剩利用。心灰意冷的穆瑞尔回到了朗达的身边,而此时的朗达已经换上了癌症,时日无多。