贵度A romantic road trip to South Tyrol to relive the parents’ honeymoon with the whole family is totally out of character for Sune’s thrifty dad... except that he mysteriously brings along a painting to make the trip much more than worthwhile...
贵度A romantic road trip to South Tyrol to relive the parents’ honeymoon with the whole family is totally out of character for Sune’s thrifty dad... except that he mysteriously brings along a painting to make the trip much more than worthwhile...
回复 :You can hear the lovesick heartbreak all over Seoul when over-emotional Ha-neul breaks up with his closeted boyfriend and moves in with his bestie, an online celebrity who has commitment issues of his own. Add a handsome bartender, a Siamese cat, and a nosy neighbor to the mix, and you get this breezy, sentimental gay charmer, the latest feature from director Kim Jho Gwang-soo....
回复 :丁晓敏(郭采洁 饰)和男友徐晖(徐正曦 饰)都是学习艺术出身,两人千里迢迢来到艺术之都巴黎,希望能在那里做出一番成就。在感情上,善良但有些固执的丁晓敏对徐晖死心塌地,为了成全男友的艺术梦想,她甘愿放弃自己的未来,靠打工补贴家用来缓解拮据的经济。然而,令丁晓敏没有想到的是,自己还是被徐晖无情的抛弃了。受到了巨大的打击,丁晓敏对男人和爱情彻底失去了希望,自暴自弃,成日过着浑浑噩噩暗无天日的日子。某日,在误打误撞之中,丁晓敏意外的成为了一位名为林俊杰(古天乐 饰)的男子的室友,而一直以为林俊杰喜欢的是同性的丁晓敏,受到了这位善良的男人无微不至的照顾。
回复 :Mark Strong饰演的舰长William被派往火星执行一项单程任务,四千万英里,270天的孤独航程,迈出人类殖民火星第一步……