回复 :影片以近乎真实的镜头深入犯罪城市最黑暗的角落。影片于2012年9月17日在洛杉矶举行首映,首映当日前州长阿诺·施瓦辛格也亮相捧场。Taylor(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)和Zavala(迈克尔·佩纳 Michael Pena 饰)是一对工作上的搭档,同样,两个人也是生活中的好兄弟。他们一起在美国洛杉矶的街头巡逻,出生入死,也一起相互经历着结婚、孩子诞生等等家庭生活。可是,在一次例行的巡逻之后,他们发现了黑帮的一个秘密活动。而这个发现,也使得他们成为了洛杉矶最大的毒品贩子的眼中钉。于是,一场正邪较量、力量悬殊的猫鼠游戏就开始了……
回复 :A great spanish cult movie!!This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing "the train arriving to the station". Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.
回复 :出品单位: 北京千禧时代传媒公司金晓惠是一位大学毕业后就留在北京追寻梦想的文艺小青年,她本身的专业是油画,但同时爱好摇滚和先锋艺术,面对家人希望自己回到老家,过着安静日子的愿望视而不见……