  时间:2025-01-18 14:44:28

该剧由来自《迷失》的制片人组合J.J. Abrams和Bryan Burk打造。                                                                    纽约地铁上,视频几个小混混无端挑衅一个衣着褴褛的流浪汉,视频却不想被他狠狠收拾了一顿,众人全部被带回警局。警官卡特(塔拉吉·P·汉森 Taraji P. Henson 饰)对这个神秘的流浪汉充满兴趣,正当调查处一丝线索,不想流浪汉竟然被人保释。原来流浪汉是一个曾经接受过中央情报局特殊训练的特工里瑟(詹姆斯·卡维泽 James Caviezel 饰),而保释他的则是拥有无限的财富的富翁芬奇(迈克尔·爱默生 Michael Emerson 饰)。芬奇曾为政府研发了一种可识别罪犯犯罪意识的程序,却被政府认为大材小用而关闭了一部分程序。而现在芬奇希望借助里瑟的能力和这一套程序进行“法外执法”,维持正义、制止犯罪......




回复 :Who is God? Where did we come from? Why does evil happen? What happens when we die? Every human being on earth has asked themselves these questions at some point, and most likely each person has found a different answer.This series will take viewers on a trip around the world to explore different cultures and religions on the ultimate quest to uncover the meaning of life, God and all these big questions in between.The series seeks to understand how religion has evolved throughout the course of civilization, and in turn how religion has shaped the evolution of society. Although in our current geopolitical landscape, religion is often seen as something that divides, the series illuminates the remarkable similarities among different faiths, even those that seem to be in staunch contrast. This is a quest for God: to shed light on the questions that have puzzled, terrified and inspired mankind, not to mention Freeman himself.Each episode is centered on a different big question about the divine:Creation – Are there similarities among the religious creation stories from around the world? How do they compare with the scientific theory of the creation of the cosmos and the dawn of civilization?Who Is God? – How has the perception of God evolved over human history? Is God just an idea, and if so, can we find evidence of a divine presence in our brains?Evil – What is the root of evil and how has our idea of it evolved over the millennia? Is the devil real? The birth of religion may be inextricably tied to the need to control evil.Miracles – Are miracles real? For many believers, miracles are the foundation of their faith. Others regard miracles as merely unlikely events on which our brains impose divine meaning. Belief in miracles, however we define them, could be what gives us hope and drives us to turn possibility into reality.End of Days – Violent upheaval and fiery judgment fill popular imagination, but was the lore of apocalypse born out of the strife that plagued the Middle East two millennia ago? The true religious meaning of the apocalypse may not be a global war, but an inner revelation.Resurrection – How have beliefs in the afterlife developed, and how has our reaction to the afterlife changed the way we live this life? Now that science is making such rapid advances, we may soon be confronted with digital resurrection. What will that do to our beliefs?To explore each of these topics, host and narrator Freeman went on the ground to some of humanity’s greatest religious sites, including Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, India’s Bodhi Tree, Mayan temples in Guatemala and the pyramids of Egypt. He traveled with archaeologists to uncover the long-lost religions of our ancestors, such as those at the 7500 B.C. Neolithic settlement Çatalhöyük in Turkey. He immersed himself in religious experiences and rituals all around the world, and became a test subject in scientific labs to examine how the frontiers of neuroscience are intersecting the traditional domain of religion.- \



回复 :三年前,吴刚因涉毒被贩毒集团K所杀,其子吴振峰(陈晓 饰)因莽撞违纪被开除警籍。吴振峰心如死灰,被兄弟陈宇(王一博 饰)阻拦出境,途中二人险遭劫持,吴振峰为救陈宇被毒贩掳走,从此再无音讯,这一刻二人的命运被彻底改写。三年后,陈宇成为禁毒民警,不料吴振峰再度归来却与命案牵连。吴振峰洗刷嫌疑后,却被陈宇发觉他与贩毒集团有着千丝万缕的联系。为彻底歼灭贩毒集团,陈宇服从上级部门的安排,脱下警服开启禁毒生涯的新历程。与此同时他才得知吴振峰竟是潜伏在贩毒集团的孤胆英雄。陈宇与吴振峰先后打入贩毒集团内部,两人默契配合,并肩作战,最终在公安部署下将贩毒集团一网打尽。兄弟二人继续投身于公安禁毒事业中,不忘初心,牢记使命。



回复 :迪斯尼频道去年六月份宣布,著名青春偶像剧《男孩成长记》(Boy Meets World,1993-2000)的正宗续篇《女孩成长记》(Girl Meets World)获得正式剧集预订。根据该剧的描述,《男孩成长记》主人公Cory和Topanga「有情人终成眷属」之后,他们的女儿Riley Matthews又到了他们当年相恋的年纪。

