回复 :历经艰辛刚摆脱非洲土人的追杀,飞鹰Jackie(成龙)就接到伯爵的急电,要其迅速赶到西班牙。二战末期,知道自己来日不多的德国纳粹把在欧洲抢掠所得的数万吨黄金隐藏在了非洲撒哈拉大沙漠一个秘密基地,伯爵急电Jackie,正是要其配合冷艳的考古专家Ada(郑裕玲)再赴非洲寻找这批黄金,途中,藏金副官的外孙女Elsa加入寻宝队伍。费尽艰辛终抵大沙漠后,Jackie一行人于一次意外无意发现了藏金基地,而就在他们欣喜若狂之际,一个神秘大汉突然出现,一场生死博斗遂即展开。
回复 :明智一家表面和睦温馨,然而随着老年痴呆的祖父(笑福亭松之助 饰)的去世,隐藏在家族内部的危机逐渐浮了上来。父亲芳郎(平泉成 饰)看似按时上下班,但实际早已丢了工作,外面债台高筑;贤惠的母亲章子(大谷直子 饰)随着岁月的流逝,渐渐厌烦了好妈妈好太太的角色,心中倍感压抑;女 儿伦子(つみきみほ 饰)实现了当老师的梦想,却被不听话的学生惹的烦恼不堪。当然,在爷爷葬礼期间,芳郎那个因盗窃而被逐出家门的儿子周治(宮迫博之 饰)也回到家中。一家人各有各的烦恼,也各有各的秘密……
回复 :Maca (María Valverde), 30 years old and clumsy by nature, makes the most of life and strives to be happy. Maca's talent is wasted working as an assistant for an oppressive and terrifying fashion influencer and she spends her time with guys with whom she never manages to establish an emotional bond. Together with Jimena (Elísabet Casanovas) and Adriana (Susana Abaitúa), her two unique and lovable friends who are always ready to do whatever it takes to make their problems not seem so bad, Maca has managed to make Madrid a city where everything is possible. Everything seems to be going well until he-who-must-not-be-named comes back into her life. Leo (Alex González), the love and biggest mistake of her life, the man who tore her heart apart, obliterated her self-esteem and her faith in men, comes back into her life to turn everything upside down. Maca has tried to forget him, but now she has to accept that he has returned and face the emotions she has locked away to deal with the unforgettable memory of what could have been and never was. Old wounds are reopened and Maca will have to be brave and confront her conflicts, fears and insecurities in order to finally take control of her life.