回复 :For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.
回复 :抗美援朝战争期间,我志愿军空军与号称世界空中霸王的美国飞行员进行空中撕杀。农家出身的张雷(曹会渠 饰)自幼家境贫寒,从航校毕业后,他就立志杀敌报国。来到前线后,师长(王润身 饰)和大队长都对他的试飞成绩表示满意,但自傲的张雷不愿当僚机,认为没出息,只有当长机打下美国飞机,那才算本事,他的自傲自负让他负出了代价。在领导和同志们的帮助下,他逐渐从自满的情绪下脱出身来,在下一次的空战中,他用自身的行动改正自己的错误,积极帮助长机完成空中战术配合,击落敌机。在自己飞机受伤起火后,仍能顾全大局,掩护战友脱险,驾受伤的飞机撞向敌机......
回复 :Jake Cullen (Bill Kerr) lives with his grandson in the Australian outback when a massive razorback boar attacks him, destroying his house and killing his grandson. He is accused of murder and his dignity is destroyed.Two years later, a wildlife reporter, Beth Winters, journeys to the outback to document the hunting of Australian wildlife to be used as animal food, processed in a large factory, but she is attacked by two deranged locals, Benny and Dicko, who leave her to be killed by the beast. Her husband, Carl, goes in search of her, and aids Jake Cullen and his young associate, Sarah Cameron, in hunting for the razorback responsible for her death.As they search for the creature, Benny and Dicko worry that they may be associated with the murder of Beth Winters, so they attack Cullen and leave him to be killed by the boar. Vowing revenge for his wife and his friend, Carl finds Benny and lowers him into a mineshaft, presumably killing him, and finds Dicko in the factory. Before he can kill him, the razorback surges and mauls Dicko to death before chasing after Carl and Sarah, where they face off inside the processing factory. Carl lures the Boar (having speared it with a pole) into pursuing him down a conveyor belt, at the end of which is a large industrial fan. Not able to stop itself, the boar falls to its demise onto the blade/fins killing it, while Carl rescues Sarah.