回复 :电视动画《小鸟之翼 高尔夫少女》(BIRDIE WING –Golf Girls’ Story-)宣布第二季制作决定并公开先导 PV 及视觉图,该作将于 2023 年 1 月开始播出!
回复 :This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. The season revolved mainly around the Autobots in the aftermath of Megatron's return, trying to restore the city and their image. Meanwhile, Megatron, Lugnut, and Blitzwing have captured Prof. Sumdac in order to build a Space Bridge, hoping to use it to conquer a weakened Cybertron from within. A sub-plot also focuses on Sari as she searches for her father, while learning that there is no record of her existence of any means. Also, Blackarachnia (originally Elita One) has been reduced to a minor recurring character, only appearing in one episode of the entire season (Black Friday).
回复 :常守朱が公安局刑事課一係に配属される前の2112年夏、沖縄。国防軍第15統合任務部隊に所属する須郷徹平は、優秀なパイロットとして軍事作戦に参加していた。三ヶ月後、無人の武装ドローンが東京?国防省を攻撃する事件が発生する。事件調査のため、国防軍基地を訪れた刑事課一係執行官?征陸智己は、須郷とともに事件の真相に迫る。