回复 :Bill Kiowa (Montgomery Ford) is released after a five-year prison term for a crime he did not commit. The bandit El Fego (Tatsuya Nakadai), who did the actual crime, also killed Kiowa's young Native American wife. Once free, Kiowa raises a gang to go after the man who framed him. An Italian western in the A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS mold with a better than average cast, which includes Bud Spencer in the debut of his heavy-handed character (later made famous in the TRINITY series) and the outstanding Japanese actor Tatsuya Nakadai, famous for his role in Akira Kurosawa's KAGEMUSHA. Written by horror-meister Dario Argento and presented here in the English-language version (which, considering it was filmed MOS with an international cast, is nearly as "original dialogue" as its Italian-language counterpart).
回复 :Blumhouse公司翻拍的经典恐怖片《魔女游戏》确定了导演人选,女导演佐伊·利斯特·琼斯(《创可贴》)将为新片撰写剧本并执导,值得一提的是Blumhouse CEO之前还因对女性导演的言论受到了非议。原版导演中,四个在学校中被孤立的女孩走到了一起,她们希望召唤出鬼神来让自己糟糕的生活得到改变,但怎么会有免费的午餐呢?
回复 :一次交通意外, 一个有才华但不得志的漫画家(梁朝伟 饰)遇上刚要出嫁之女鬼(王祖贤 饰),由此引出一段浪漫感人的人鬼隔世情。小女鬼來到阳间,对世事一无所知,幸遇资深女鬼(叶德娴 饰),二人互诉身世,原來叶夫早丧,因偷会嫁前情人,与子同被浸猪笼而死。小女鬼对漫画家情有独钟,暗中相助使他成为当红漫画家。但小女鬼却日渐虛弱。叶终于等到令其子转世机会,不过交换条件是要将小女鬼抓回阴间,因小女鬼实乃血魔之未婚妻子,叶为自己儿子作人,故不惜出卖小女鬼。漫画家决意闯入阴间与血魔决斗……