回复 :抗争后期,以政委陈顺咕为首的闽北太阳山游击大队,联手“大阳山之花”的地下党交通员三姐妹,在敌人的白色恐怖区几经周折为新四军筹运药材,护送武夷干校谍报学员,出生入死,智除叛徒,巧用断肠草置敌顽军于死地,在极端险恶的环境中,考量讴歌了人性的伟大光辉,谱写了一曲可歌可泣的英雄史诗。
回复 :他们让夏日永不停歇。海滩男孩,一个革新流行音乐的传奇乐团,他们具代表性的和声音乐创作象征了加州梦想,掳获了数个世代乐迷的心。
回复 :A film essay about a singular couple, Paco and Manolo, two Catalan photographers from the outskirts of Barcelona, who have been together for thirty years. Both have managed to work as a single photographer and have captured their imagery in the Kink magazine, a very personal photography fanzine with an essentially Mediterranean homoerotic aesthetic. Paco and Manolo’s style can ...