回复 :Amid picturesque red dirt, blue sky, and green agave fields stands Dos Estaciones, a once-majestic tequila factory struggling to stay afloat. At the helm of the plant reigns Maria Garcia, heir to the family business and beacon to the townspeople she employs. To help oversee the company’s administration, Maria appoints an eager woman named Rafaela, whose vibrant presence generates much-needed hope in a home thirsty for a miracle. When a persistent plague and an unexpected flood cause irreversible damage, Maria is forced to do everything she can to save her community’s main source of economy and pride.
回复 :Following on from the impressive Drift with its hypnotic transatlantic sequences reminiscent of Michael Snow, Helena Wittmann’s second feature is set in the Mediterranean Sea. The heroine navigates along the route of the French Foreign Legion from Marseille to Sidi-Bel-Abbes via Calvi on a contemporary Odyssey that is at once political and sensuous.
回复 :万金游(郭晋安 饰)是“雀爷”万叔(夏雨 饰)的独生子,麻雀技艺深得父亲真传,是承继父亲的赌业的好人选。一筒(元秋 饰)是万金游的干妈,一直把金游当成自己的亲儿子,疼爱有加。可是在在雀爷大寿的当晚,从拉斯维加斯回来的雀爷也带上了他的新任妻子二索(刘琸琪 饰)。金游跟一筒都觉得二索图谋不轨,原来她联手雀爷的死对头爆棚要霸占雀爷的一切产业。故意让金游认识倒霉透顶的吴靓(杨思琦 饰),使金游的牌运急速下跌,每次打牌拿的都是烂牌。幸好金游学会了乐观处事,运气刚要回来的时候,女友却被爆棚挟持……