亚洲页A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.
亚洲页A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.
回复 :本片纪录了“内蒙古能源产业链中一系列工人的劳动和鄂尔多斯的泡沫经济缩影,折射出中国经济高速发展带来的矛盾问题,展现人类行为的荒诞。” (转自维基百科)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------赵亮执导的《悲兮魔兽》透过蒙古民工采矿的故事,揭露中国过度开发造成严重环境破坏,但铁矿运到其他城市起楼最后却变成了一座座鬼城,因为电影揭露内地丑闻,早已遭内地封杀。(转自苹果日报)2015年华语唯一一部入围威尼斯电影节,也是亚洲纪录片首次入围威尼斯主竞赛单元作品。
回复 :自上次一别已经过了八年时间,因为某件事,当年的好朋友贵田春彦(大野智 饰)、二叶廉太郎(松本润 饰)、冈野瞬(相叶雅纪 饰)和鸭川忠(樱井翔 饰)再度聚首。虽然恩田琢磨(二宫和也 饰)暂时缺席,不过并不妨碍四人坐在裸男酒馆里叙旧畅谈。留着夸张胡子的春彦娶了前女友的妈妈,头上绿帽光芒四射;忠总想给儿子注入男子汉气概,但和妻子的观念相左;廉太郎娶了奇葩的冲绳女郎,开起了蛋糕连锁店;瞬在事业上兜兜转转,突发奇想闯出自己的品牌。未过多久,一身奇怪打扮的琢磨带着庞大的家族成员加入进来。而今成为社会人年过三十的好朋友们,此时此刻又有着怎样的心情呢?
回复 :The Cayman Islands. It is a Caribbean paradise of sun, sea and cocktails, but there is something else going on. Big money, big corporations... and seemingly no one paying a penny of tax.Now Jacques Peretti travels to Cayman in search of the truth about this controversial British tax haven, and uncovers some shocking revelations for what this sun-drenched island means for everyone back in Britain.Jacques meets the politicians, playboys and ex-pats on the islands in a bid to unravel the truth about a place with the population of Bognor Regis... but a trillion pounds in the bank!