宫下Its about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.
宫下Its about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.
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回复 :In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting lives of a dozen characters and offers a new look on the world of lesbians in Quebec.“As a fresco representing different women – 18 to 42 years old – each episode explores the life of one before reuniting them. It’s a little bit of a tribute, a portrait, and a wink to each woman. This is a series about love between women. Life on a daily basis, a 10- minute capsule, times 8. I hope that in these women, many will see their own realities, whether homosexual or not”, says Chloé Robichaud.Macha Limonchik and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse join the cast composed of several talented actresses among which, Eve Duranceau, Noémie Yelle, Eliane Gagnon, Carla Turcotte, Julianne Côté, Émilie Leclerc-Côté, Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, Kimberly Laferriere and Marie-Evelyne Lessard. A few surprise guests also made memorable performances on some of the episodes.
回复 :身为重案组里唯一的女性成员,简(安吉·哈蒙 Angie Harmon 饰)可一点也不输给她那些精明强干的男同事们。对于简来说,没有什么比时时保持警惕更为重要的了,她的那股子劲头,仿佛是在和整个世界作战。毛拉(萨莎·亚历山大 Sasha Alexander 饰)是一名经验丰富的法医,比起待在鲜活热闹的活人世界,个性腼腆内向的她更乐意和她那些“尸体伙伴”们一同享受闲散的午后时光,就是这样一个常人眼中的“怪人”,毛拉和简竟然成为了一见如故的好友和搭档,她们一个“主外”,一个“安内”,联手破获了许多匪夷所思的案件,成为了行业内的美谈,与此同时,在职场之外,生活之中,亦有各种各样棘手的难题等待在前方。